Friday, December 19, 2014
The Visa fraud check criteria needs to be tweaked.
But not everyone is vigilant. And I imagine that the holidays are a busy time for fraud.
Still, I think that the algorithms that are used to detect fraud need to be fine-tuned. Isn't the process supposed to detect purchases that are out of the ordinary for the particular user?
Did I get a call when I bought a $150 gift card for massages? No.
Did I get a call when I spent $900 on a new mattress? No.
I got a call when I donated on-line to charity.
Seriously. How many people steal a credit card to make donations to pet charities?
Not only that, but these are the same charities I donated to last year, and throughout the year. And the year before.
I wouldn't be annoyed if the mattress had triggered the call. How often do I buy mattresses?
Calling me based on a purchase I make 2 or 3 times a year seems flawed.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Bogie lit up Thanksgiving
Black Angus was open and had a wonderful smelling turkey dinner. But I had steak. A sublime filet mignon. I mean, how can you go to a steak house and not have steak? Besides, I have turkey often. Steak, rarely.
Afterwards, Bogie and I went over to the hospital. I figured anyone staying or working in the hospital on Thanksgiving could use a little cheering up.
Bogie wore a Christmas tie and was very popular. Seven or eight people took pictures of him. One nurse gave him a piece of turkey.
A nice day. A day to be thankful for. One of many days to be thankful for.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
This was really weird
Friday, October 10, 2014
It's hard to understand other people's relationships
During the entire meal, he kept tapping her with his foot under the table because he didn't like what she was talking about.
This is after he told her exactly what to wear and how to look for his friends.
She claims she will never go out in public with him again. And she still loves him.
How can you love someone that belittles who you are and thinks that you are not good enough for his friends?
Okay, maybe I understand loving him. I don't understand staying with him. She deserves better.
I have another, former, friend who quit her job for very justifiable reasons. Her husband decided that if she could quit, so could he. Um, he wasn't the one being tortured by a micro-manager. She got another job within 5 months.
The last time I talked to her, he still wasn't working after 5 years. This is why she's a former friend. She was too embarrassed to talk to me any longer.
If she had been happy with the situation, I would have said, Whatever happens between you two is your business. But she was miserable and talking about getting her reward in the afterlife.
She won't leave him because she loves him.
When did love become the excuse to accept whatever bad behavior people wanted to foist on us?
If our significant others actually loved us, wouldn't they treat us better?
Don't we all deserve to be treated better?
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Maybe I don't want to retire
I didn't consider whether I actually wanted to retire. When Joan Rivers died, lots of attention was given to the fact that at 81 she was as busy as ever. She had no desire to retire when she was already doing what she loved.
Retirement started out as a way to get old employees who could no longer handle the physical labor to get out of the way of new and younger employees.
Well, I work with my mind. As long as I can think and can type, I'm good. And when I started with the company, they had a 78-year-old developer. Obviously, the company isn't averse to older employees.
I sat down to consider what I would gain if I retired? What do I want to do when I retire?
Read? I do that now. I could read more, but I already read a book a week.
Travel? I could do that now. I don't because I don't like to leave my fur babies behind. So logically, travel isn't that important to me.
Sleep in? I can set my own hours now. I don't sleep in because I don't like the later morning traffic.
Volunteer? Sure, I could do more, but Bogie and I volunteer now.
So far, there isn't an overriding reason to retire.
What would I lose if I retired? Well, income, of course. But more importantly, the interaction with people and the challenges that keep my mind sharp. I look forward to my weekends because they are different than my weekdays.
For now, I think my focus isn't going to be on retirement. It's going to be on enjoying my job for as long as I can.
Update -
Apparently I'm not the only one not hurrying to retirement. Washington Post
Saturday, September 13, 2014
inadequate career counseling.
It's a good fit for me. It's creative, challenging, educational, and satisfying.
I stumbled into this line of work.
Computer engineer was not a path suggested to me in high school career counseling. The idea that computers would be a viable career hadn't been accepted yet. And would probably not have been recommended to a girl, anyway.
But there were a lot of other things that weren't offered to me in career counseling.
I didn't know that Linguistics was a profession. That might have been cool. I did well in Spanish class. But I didn't even know the job existed.
I didn't know that I could have become an archaeologist, a museum curator, a genealogist. Maybe I could have been a private investigator, or a spy for the CIA. (No, too nervous.)
Writer was suggested, since my Dad was a writer. But I knew I didn't want to be a free-lance writer.
The pay was sporadic at best. I knew I couldn't live like that.
The only jobs my school counselor suggested were doctor, lawyer, or teacher. Things might have been different if I had been aware of all the options there were.
I don't know if she saw no potential in me, or if she lacked imagination. Did living in the middle of Iowa corn country seem to limit my options? We're talking 1972, so maybe she thought my true calling was simply wife and mother?
That said, I haven't suffered from the oversight. I've had an interesting life with a variety of jobs and it has brought me here to a happy place.
Still, there is a little bit of me that says, What if I had known about that? Where would I be now? Would I be just as happy?
Friday, September 5, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Don't play chicken with a Great Dane
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Why make hateful comments.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Doggy cam overkill
Well, really I knew it was Bogie. I just wondered if Angel participated. (Usually not).
I got two cameras because they were discounted as a pair. And I couldn't decide where to put only one camera. So I got one for the kitchen and one for outside.
I got some interesting footage out of the process. And I liked seeing my dogs. Well, sometimes they looked sad and lonely, but I still liked seeing they were okay.
However, half of the destruction in my house was happening off camera. Again, not sure enough who the culprit was to accuse either of the dogs.
So I added two more cameras in January, 2013. Downstairs and up.
And that satisfied me for a long time. Well, it helped that I got laid off and used my severance to take 5 months off last year. And the first job I got after that, I was able to work from home half the time.
In November, I went back to work at my original company. And I took comfort in being able to check on the dogs via the doggy cams.
Only ... half the time I couldn't see the dogs. I knew they were okay. I had dogs for decades before I had cameras to keep an eye on them.
But what if they weren't? I wouldn't know until I got home that one of them was hurt. Or missing.
So today I added two more doggy cams. One to cover the room where they like to sleep the most. (But has the least action.)
And another for outside, so I can see how many times they go to bark at the neighbor's dog.
Six cameras to keep track of two dogs that sleep most of the day might be excessive.
I'm beginning to think I have a problem.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
I built a new computer
So I built a new computer last month.
When I mentioned it on Facebook, a couple people thought I was so brave to tackle it.
But it's not a big deal anymore. It's practically Plug n' Play.
I started with Life Hacker which led me to PC Part Picker. They help make sure you don't buy incompatible parts. And they look for the best prices for the components.
Checked with the computer guru that every office has to make sure I didn't need anything else. He suggested a couple of alternatives. Then I ordered all my parts.
The motherboard comes with a handy dandy book that shows you how to connect everything. And there are several web sites that will explain the process step by step.
The two worst problems I had? Well, the CPU doesn't come with heat sink putty, which is required. So I had to run to Radio Shack to get a tiny tube.
And every connection was silk-screened with what it was, but some print was so tiny I needed TWO pairs of reading glasses to read what it was.
I followed the directions, installed all the components, connected all the cables, plugged it in and installed the operating system.
Cost $1000. It has a Gigabyte motherboard, 3.4 GHz Intel Quad-Core CPU, 8G RAM, and a solid state drive for the programs drive.
It's noticeably faster than the old computer.
Which croaked two weeks later.
Now that was perfect timing!
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All the components, in my glass studio |
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Yes, I have a sweet tooth
But then Bob bought me a cupcake from The Sugared Cakery. It's a food truck that visits our office complex once a week.
Bob likes to bring in treats. Only I have migraine food triggers and can't have nuts or chocolate.
One day he felt sorry for me and brought me a Banana Foster cupcake.
It looked like a flower. The cupcake wrapper even looked like petals.
And it was delicious.
So the next time the truck was at our location, I took two co-workers and went down and got another cupcake. Strawberry Champagne. Also, delicious.
Yesterday I tried the Key Lime. Ahhh. Sublime.
A nice young couple runs the truck. Yesterday Joel asked them if they had any butterscotch cupcakes. They said no, but they could have one by next week.
That's why I like dealing with small business owners. They listen.
And that's why Wednesday has become my favorite work day.
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Salted caramel |
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Phoenix in The Smithsonian - and in the summer
The May issue of The Smithsonian magazine featured an article called "Hot Enough For You?".
One item mentioned a study to see how long it takes for the second driver at a light to honk when the light turns green and the first driver doesn't move. The study showed that when the temperature was 108 drivers were more likely to honk or get angry than if it's 84 degrees.
Well, duh.
The air conditioner on my little four-cylinder engine doesn't cool if I'm not moving. So yeah, people get more agitated.
Studies predict that summer temperatures in Phoenix in the second half of the century will regular hit 130 degrees.
Still, it generally makes it to 115 degrees at least a couple days in the summer. Will 15 more degrees make that much difference? You learn to adapt. Just as people adapt to climates where the temperature plummets to -30 or -40.
And basically with the same adaptation. Stay inside.
If you have to go outside, do it early in the morning before the sun has a chance to heat up the concrete, or late in the evening after the sun starts its descent.
Good parking spots are hard to come by. I'm lucky to have underground parking at my office. Shady and cooler. The next step is covered parking, but that all depends on the time of day and the direction the parking spot faces. After that people look for the meager shade from a tree planted in a parking lot.
The worst is a spot in the open. If you have to park in the sun for even an hour, you dare not touch the seat belt buckle with your bare hands. Seriously. You can get burned.
Don't leave anything in the car that isn't heat tolerant. I've known people who have had candles melt or soda pop explode because of the heat. And if you are buying ice cream, either bring a cooler or hope that it isn't more than 10 minutes to home.
Mostly we think, it's 110 degrees out. Do I really need to go shopping? Do I really want to go out into this heat.
Generally the answer is No, no I don't.
Your perspective changes. We applaud when it is "only" going to be 100 degrees for the day. The weather reports a cooling trend from 108 to 103 degrees. And we are grateful for the five degree decrease.
Will the future be people isolated in their homes, connecting only via social media? Maybe. But I'm hoping someone comes up with an underground infrastructure where people can work, live, and travel underground, away from the searing rays of the sun.
At least, that's the way I'd write it.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Volunteering is a long process
I didn't think much about it until my mom was in surgery in May. As we waited for her to come out of surgery, a volunteer came around with a Golden Retriever. It was impressive to see how much the people perked up when the dog came by. Myself included.
So I decided that Bogie and I should do that together.
The first step was to get Bogie and I certified as pet and handler. I thought the Canine Good Citizen made us a shoo-in.
Certification required three visits to the hospital visiting staff, patients and their family. We walked 3 floors of one hospital, then 3 at the medical center next door. We had to learn to pass in front of the nurse's station first, so they were aware we were on the floor.
We had to watch for patients that might be interested in a visit. We had to watch out for room labeled with allergies or no contact warnings. We had to keep mental track of how many people we visited, per building.
I kept track of people, as best I could, mentally. There is a clicker counter that one can carry. But the requirement that I keep two hands on Bogie's leash plus carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer to offer people, left me no free hand for the clicker.
So Bogie was certified. I got his official certificate and figured we were all set.
Not even close.
This week I attended a three hour orientation that was more intense than any job orientation I've had. Of course, I'm a software engineer, not someone working in the medical field. I've had the sexual harassment training, but this is the first time since the nuclear power station that I had to learn about emergency codes.
Codes for fire, cardiac arrest, missing child, chemical spill, etc. Plus segments on hand washing and infection prevention, HIPAA regulations, and what can and cannot be done for patients.
Done, right?
No. I had to have a TB test and I had to have my immunity to childhood diseases checked.
TB negative. That's good.
Mumps titers negative. That's NOT good. That indicates a lack of immunity to mumps. When I had mumps as a kid, I was told I could get them again since I only had them on one side. I figured that was a myth.
Apparently not.
So I have to get immunized before I can get started.
I'm anxious to get started. I wonder what the next step is?
Saturday, July 12, 2014
More food allergies?
Contrary to what a previous doctor had said, the problem isn't acid reflux disease. This specialist said acid reflux doesn't go up as high as where my inflammation and erosion is.
I asked if aspirin and/or ibuprofen use would have caused the throat damage, since I take it daily. No.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Clean and Shiny Post Apocalypse
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Motivation to exercise - no pain
Because I learned I like being pain free.
Most of my pain derived from hunching over a computer keyboard all day. After more than 15 years, I had a litany of aches and pains.
This is how I counteract it.
I do crunches because it strengthens my core and then my lower back doesn't ache. Also, I want to be able to carry a 40 pound bag of bird seed from the garage to the seed bin.
Hip flexor stretches and hamstring stretches have eliminated the sciatica that made the outside of my thighs feel like they were on fire when touched. A paw on my bare thigh would make me want to scream.
Back extensions counteract the forward curving of my shoulders. This relieves the pain I was having in the trapezius muscles.
Child pose stretches, with leans to the right and left, relax the deltoid muscles.
The next one I can't find the name of. Kneel on the floor, flex the back slowly forward and back. It relieves a lot of the stress in the back.
Neck rolls have decreased my neck pain by 80%. Not perfect, but so much better than before.
I finish with a downward dog, forward roll, and mountain pose.
Is it a perfect routine? Probably not. But it works for me. After a month of doing it, I suddenly realized that I didn't hurt all the time.
That's a big deal.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Phoenix Art Museum
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Stained glass transom
Thursday, June 5, 2014
THESE are the good old days - phones
Monday, May 26, 2014
I've declared "war" on the pigeons
As much as I try, I cannot like the pigeons. There are too many. They crowd out the other birds. They chase the quail away from the bird block.
When I say too many, I mean that one day I counted 40 pigeons clustering in the shaded areas of my back yard.
Bogie catches the slow ones. I haven't the heart to shoot the pigeons with a BB gun. What if I hit one and wound it? As much as I dislike them, I don't want them dead.
I just want them to go away.
My latest solution? A Nerf gun. I bought it for work. One day I wondered if the noise and flying disks would intimidate the pigeons.
Yes. Yes, it does.
So far I have cut my pigeon population down to 1/3. I can live with that.
Not sure the effect will remain on the days I'm at work. But if I am persistent, maybe I can convince the majority of pigeons to move elsewhere.
Non-violent pigeon displacement.
I like it.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Never thought it would happen.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
The relationship I don't have with my mother
I've visited her once or twice a day since she was put into the hospital. It's the most time we've spent together in a two week span in as long as I can remember. It has been a sad reminder of our lack of closeness.
I don't think it's me. I have a couple of friends that I can spend 8 hour days with and never run out of things to talk about. I regularly talk with my sister for 30 to 90 minutes at a time. I get into long conversations with co-workers.
I don't think it's her. From the number of people who have called in concern and who check on her status regularly, my mom is a popular person. She can talk on the phone with my youngest brother for a long time.
Somehow it's us. Together we run out of conversation in only a few minutes. Oh, we've had the occasional dinner out together where we've talked for an hour or so. About my siblings, my niece and nephew, about people we know in common.
But our normal is five minutes of conversation, then an attempt to find something to talk about. That's why we play a lot of Scrabble when I visit.
I have closed off any inner part of my self that I could share with her. I learned long ago, from two different instances, that what I tell her in private won't stay private. She will share it with her friends. And it will be brought up again at a most inconvenient time.
So I don't share anything really important to me. We both read, but not the same kinds of book, so that doesn't take us long to exhaust. She has no understanding of, or care to understand, my work. Conversations about my dogs keep her interest a little now that she is confined to a bed. But normally she changes the subject.
She does that often. Change the subject. If I do have something I feel I can share with her, she changes the subject. Sometimes in mid-story. I take that as a lack of interest in what I am talking about.
She's low maintenance. At least for me. She and my sister have a much different relationship. But my mom only expects periodic visits or phone calls, and gifts for Christmas and her birthday. She doesn't expect, or want, us to be by her bedside all the time she is in the hospital.
I knew a woman, long before free long distance, who lived here in Arizona and called her mother in Massachusetts every single day. I can't imagine what one would want to talk about every single day.
But sometimes, occasionally, I wish I knew what that felt like.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Back yard lizard
I've seen 5 different kinds of lizards in my back yard in the past couple years. It's probably why I don't have much of a cricket problem.
This guy was hanging out the other afternoon. The blocks are 16" wide, so he must be 6 or 7" long.
I hope Bogie never sees him.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Western Tanager in the back yard
First time I've had a Tanager visit, even though the bird book says this is part of their summer range.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Why it takes 2 1/2 hours to hang three glass panels.
Out to the garage to get the 8 foot ladder. See the newly purchased and delivered multi-ladder and wonder whether it will work just as well. Unwrapped the ladder, removed the scaffold plates packed with it. Went to attach the stabilizer bars and the rubber ends stunk. Badly.
Stand on the stair landing to get a better view. See that the west piece isn't level. Up the ladder to re-position. Twice.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Projection Lamp replacement
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Exciting dog walk
Friday, April 25, 2014
I used to be a clean freak
A major reason for this change? Arizona dust.
Arizona dust is fine, light, and ubiquitous. I lived in Iowa and Illinois prior to moving to Arizona. In those states, you bought hutches to store china or knickknacks so they wouldn't get dusty.
In Arizona, the dust gets inside the hutches, the cupboards, the closets, the medicine cabinets. Everywhere.
I have a two story house. I can dust the downstairs, go upstairs and dust, come downstairs and already see the beginnings of a new layer of dust.
If you dust and no one sees, you can't prove you dusted.
Well okay, you can tell by the depth of the dust whether it has been a long while between dustings.
But the thin layer of dust that was a sign of poor housekeeping in Iowa doesn't count here.
During monsoon season, the dust comes in huge, moving waves that obscure the sun and blind motorists. But Arizona dust is always around. I sometimes wonder if the inside of my lungs looks like the top of my refrigerator.
It's no wonder everyone I know suffers from allergies.
Why don't I leave? Well, every state has issues. Iowa and Illinois had humidity, mud, and mosquitoes. Arizona weather and a job I like outweigh the hassles of the dust.
Besides, if I ignore it, it isn't there. Right?
Friday, April 18, 2014
Why are reruns so comforting?
When I come home from work, I turn on the TV and hope that NCIS is showing on USA or Castle is showing on TNT.
Yesterday I was home sick from work and was thrilled to discover a Castle marathon, with a side of NCIS when I didn't like a particular Castle episode. (There are very few of those, by the way.)
Why are reruns so comforting?
It's not just Castle or NCIS. I will watch Jeff Dunham on Comedy Central almost every time he is on. And laugh every time I do. Or The Incredibles, or The Princess Diaries, or Doctor Who. I've watched RED, Knight and Day, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith more times than I can count.
There is a comfort in advance knowledge that the show will, or won't, have a happy ending.
There is a release from the responsibility of paying close attention so you won't miss any plot points, and of knowing when your favorite parts will air.
There is pleasure in listening to the favorite conversations of your favorite characters.
It's the same reason I will reread some books over and over. It's the people in them, their thoughts, hopes, dreams, conversations, and adventures.
I don't know the psychology behind it. I just know that reruns are welcoming, comforting, and friendly.
I'm grateful to cable television for extending the lives of so many of my favorite programs.
What are your "comfort foods" shows?
Friday, April 11, 2014
What happened to my time management skills?
But I lost my ability to manage my time effectively.
When I worked before, I made it to the gym 4 times a week. I wrote blog posts 2 or 3 times a week. I got projects started - and finished.
I can't seem to accomplish any of that now.
Somehow, I've gained an appreciation of doing nothing.
I'll drop everything to play fetch with the dogs or go for a walk.
I'll start a project I know I won't finish until later. Sometimes much later.
And I've become okay with that.
I don't get nearly as much done as I did.
But I'm enjoying it much, much more.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Don't offer me a better rate when I call to cancel.
My former insurance company kept raising the premiums slightly for collision-only insurance on my 15 year old car.
So I was thrilled to get the same coverage for a year from the new insurer.
After the new policy was in place, I called to cancel my former insurance.
"May I ask why you are cancelling?"
"Well, I've found other insurance that is half what I was paying you."
"Let me see if I can get you a better deal with us."
I politely said No, thank you. But what I was thinking was, Really?
So you are telling me that the price you have been billing me, the price I have been paying, was negotiable?
That if I had complained and threatened to cancel before this, you would have given me a better price?
I had been happy with my former insurer, but now I feel like I was being scammed.
Thanks a lot.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Why should I?
Saturday, March 15, 2014
I want to be more like my dogs.
Angel is sweet and loving and never holds a grudge. If she wakes me too early in the morning and I growl at her, "Go away!", she does.
She doesn't sulk. She doesn't analyze what she might have done to deserve being yelled at. She just goes and lies down.
When I am ready to wake up, she comes over to be petted, thrilled that I am awake, with no resentment from earlier.
She doesn't let my mood affect her mood.
Bogie is laid-back, accepting of whatever happens. If I take him for a walk in the morning, he's happy and excited to go. If instead of the walk, we go for a ride, that's cool.
If we do neither? Well, that's okay, too. His day isn't ruined because his routine has been changed.
He rolls with what happens and finds the good in every situation.
My dogs. My role models.
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Just chillin' |
Saturday, March 8, 2014
So well-behaved!
We were all all the vet the other day. We sat in the lobby waiting for our turn.
Bogie sat close by me. Well, actually he sat right on my foot.
Angel laid on the tile floor next to him.
There was no barking. No pulling on leashes. No whining.
From the exam room, each dog had to be taken to the back to have blood drawn and toenails trimmed. The tech said they had behaved very well.
When our visit was over and we cashed out, the clerk said to me. "Your dogs are always so well-behaved."
What pet parent doesn't like to hear that!
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Bogie at the vet |
Friday, March 7, 2014
I would rather not move again.
I'm not sure I would willingly move again.
I know some people think of it as an adventure. I have a friend who travels from furnished room to furnished room from city to city with only a back pack containing his belongings.
Me, I like my stuff. I like my dogs and my books and my comfy bed and my desk. My glass studio. My sewing machine. My tools and work bench. My stuff.
I like knowing where to shop and having a doctor I trust. I like knowing how to get where I am going without getting lost.
I don't want to have to worry about which of my belongings will fit in a van, truck, or pod destined for another location. I try to keep the accumulation down, but closets and cupboards seem to spontaneously create more things to fill them.
I wasn't born in this house. I wasn't even born in this state. I've moved 11 times in my adult life.
But I have been in this house for 16 years.
Eventually, I'll have to move again. I suspect that at some point I will be unable to navigate the stairs.
But until then, I am staying put.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Dogs and free catch urine samples
Yesterday was my first experience with a "free catch" urine sample.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
An AWESOME day for a car ride
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Love/hate relationship with technology advances.
For anyone who doesn't have one, Google Now will tell you the path and time it takes to get to a planned destination, give you weather information, nearby entertainment events, evening television, etc.
The "normal" route to work is not the one I regularly take. I cannot stomach the intersection of highways 101 and 202. I always take an alternate route to the office.
I realized yesterday that Google Now noticed this and uses this route to plan the driving time.
This is incredibly cool.
And kind of creepy.
Do I want my phone to know me this well?
Is there any harm in having the ads on websites tailored to my previous searches? It's not necessarily accurate since I often look up stuff for my sister who is technologically challenged.
But is it harmful?
Are these the first steps in the eventual domination of the human race by our mechanical overlords?
Or just a way to make life a little more efficient?
Does life even need to be efficient?
These are the quandaries that keep me awake at night.
Cool? Or creepy?