Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week Two without a newspaper

As I said in Experiment in printless news, I put my newspaper on vacation hold for two weeks to see if I could live without what is, for me, a tradition and habit combined.

I've already blogged about week one.  How did week two go?

Day Eight - I read a really interesting article in Mental Floss magazine about Anton Chekhov.  I finish my breakfast early and get to work before my usual time.

Day Nine -The netbook I ordered on Sunday arrived yesterday. I eat a bagel while poking around the computer and seeing what's installed on it. 
Days Ten to Thirteen -I eat my breakfast while checking e-mail, Facebook and Twitter. I check the headlines on iGoogle  Twice I read an article . I find links to some of my favorite columnists and read them - once.

On Day Thirteen, I suddenly realize on this, my errand day, I don't know what the grocery sales are for this week.  I didn't notice the lack last week, but this week I want to know the price of Pepsi. Are the ads on-line?  I don't bother to look. 

Day Fourteen - Sunday.  I step outside to walk the dogs and am both delighted and annoyed that the Sunday paper has been delivered.  Delighted at being able to read it.  Annoyed that my two week experiment is only 12 days.  It messes with the symmetry.

I realize today that without the newspaper, I have not been checking my lottery numbers.  Maybe I am wealthy beyond belief at this very moment.  I log on-line to check the numbers.  No.  Sigh. But they do offer to text me the numbers in the future.  I sign up.

I find I am not all that anxious to read the paper.  I haven't missed reading the news.  While I don't know what is going on in the world, I am also not as depressed about the cruelty of man against man, and man against animal.  Is ignorance bliss? 

I read the comics and two lifestyle articles I really enjoy.  Then I read the Pet of the Week.  I learn the featured dog was abandoned in a back yard with another dog that attacked it savagely.  I cry.  This is the news I haven't been getting this past two weeks.  News I wish I could expunge from my brain.  

I ended the last post with "Printless doesn't have to mean news less."  In my case, it appears that it does.  With all of the other options available to me, without the newspaper, I didn't avail myself of any of them. 

My original dilemma was whether to get my news from a source other than a printed newspaper. 

My new quandary is - news or no news?

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