She had tiny, dainty feet. Paw size is supposed to be an indicator of adult size. But her feet grew as she did. She topped out at 40 lbs and 21" high.
She had already had 3 owners. The last had gotten her from the Humane Society. When the large old dog in the household didn't take to her within a week, they decided to get rid of her. A week. My oldest dog wanted nothing to do with her for 3 years.
But Rags was thrilled to have someone to play with and take care of. They chased each other around and through the house, wrestled, and slept side by side. When she grew up, Peanut became dominant over him, but he doesn't seem to care.
I call her Princess because she has this royal, dignified attitude. She does not deign to pant eagerly for treats in the kitchen. She expects hers to be brought to her on the stair landing. Then she daintily takes it from your hand. When she sits, she looks like one of those statues of the Egyptian cats, tall, lean, regal.
Last year, she was diagnosed with a heart murmur, but it hasn't slowed her down. She continues to rule, currently preventing Angel from playing fetch with me. Peanut growls and Angel stops cold. And when Angel gets too rowdy, one growl from Peanut settles her down.
Peanut - canine royalty.
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