I have a two story house of the style often called a snout house. As in, the garage is forward of the rest of the house like the snout of a pig laying down.
The second story,
front bedroom window - better known as the dog's lookout - is where the dogs go to keep an eye
on the street. This bedroom is over part of the garage. The garage roof extends a few feet past the exterior bedroom wall.
Angel likes to paw at the windows when a dog passes by. When I am home, I like to have the glass window open to let the breeze through. Angel clawed the delicate sun screen and tore it. So I put an inside layer of heavy duty screen in it. This was meant to discourage clawing as well as protect the exterior screen.
When I am not home, the glass windows is kept closed.
I got home from work earlier this week, pulled into the driveway, and saw the bedroom screen was partially popped out of its frame.
I had forgotten to close the window.
Angel either clawed at it or leaned on it while barking and growling at a passing dog. I'm extremely lucky she didn't go tumbling down the
garage roof onto the driveway pavement.
When I got into the house, Angel acted guilty as hell, but she was unharmed.
Not even a broken toenail.
This video is from a different day when the window was closed.
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